author Teresa

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  • Folk remedies against human parasites. Use garlic, wormwood, onion, pine cones, and other natural remedies to fight worms.
    25 May 2022
  • Treatment and prevention of human parasites. Internal parasites usually cause serious diseases and are more difficult to eliminate than external parasites. Medicine has found many ways to get rid of them.
    14 March 2021
  • Since ancient times, wormwood applies in the fight against various pests. Universal chemical composition is able to expel from the human body, protozoa and worms.
    2 July 2019
  • The delivery of analysis cala necessary for detection of eggs of parasites in the human body. This study can be assigned to the occupation, backs the child at the kindergarten, at school or in the pool. However, often, the diagnosis is necessary because of the symptoms of lesions in the gastrointestinal tract.
    1 June 2019
  • A complete description of the symptoms and signs of infection by worms (helminthiasis) in adults, on the basis of the types of worms. Manifestation in the GASTROINTESTINAL tract, nervous system, allergies, and anemia.
    27 May 2019