author Nathalie

The name:


  • There are many folk remedies for parasites in the human body. When properly prepared and used, they will be effective quickly.
    25 April 2021
  • The mass of the parasitic diseases in children, is represented diseases caused by nematodes. The eggs of the parasites remain on objects of daily use, which involved the infected. To protect the child from the aspect helminthiasis need to start a timely treatment
    30 May 2019
  • Are infected by intestinal worms may every man from domestic animals, through household appliances, wash your hands, raw fish or meat. At the smallest suspicion of infection of the helminths, you should consult your doctor immediately.
    18 May 2019
  • The worms can appear at any age. For the disease has passed the stage of execution, it is important an early diagnosis and start the treatment. The parasites may live in any organ of the body: intestines, lungs, muscles, heart, liver and even the eyes.
    8 April 2019