author Janet Rundell

The name:
Janet Rundell


  • People have been in contact with each other, so no one can be protected from the invasion of various bacteria into their bodies. Our beloved animals also play another important role. They are also carriers of various infections.
    3 March 2021
  • Pumpkin seeds from worms and other helminths help you to cope with the pest control, if you respect the rules of the application. The seeds of the pumpkin seed has a mass of useful and unique properties.
    31 August 2019
  • The worms in the stool can be detected by means of a deposit of feces for analysis. Find out how you can seem eggs of helminths, and also the adult parasites in the stool.
    22 July 2019
  • Worms in children – it is unpleasant, but, unfortunately, quite a common problem. Identify the worms and set with precision, the causative agent of the disease is in the degree only by qualified personnel.
    2 July 2019