How to get rid of parasites: the most effective worms and lamberian herbs

Parasites in the human intestine

Unlike antibiotics and synthetic antiparasitic drugs, the medicinal ingredients of Chinese herbal medicine can affect the development types and stages of several parasites in the human body without destroying the normal intestinal flora. In addition, they are softer.

As mentioned earlier, killing parasites is more expensive for you. Imagine that rotting worm carcasses are scattered all over your body.When using medicinal chemotherapy to treat worms, a person’s feelings, especially in the first days, will feel worse than when they have a cold.The bodywill develop a poisoning syndrome, in which the parasites will producedecay products, manifested as weakness, headache, nausea and abdominal pain. Even adults can hardly bear it. There are children

Herbs for controlling worms

In the fight against helminthiasis, our great-grandmother has used a variety of herbs for hundreds of years, which is called anthelmintic.

  • Pumpkin seeds.

    In the past, in order to get rid of worms, up to 3 cups of pumpkin seeds were consumed every day. At the same time, even one of the largest worms, tape worms cannot resist them. At the end of this treatment, it is recommended to take a good laxative.

    To remove the worm’s intestines, take out 300 grams of unprocessed pumpkin seeds, peel off the hard skin while keeping the soft green crust, and grind a small amount in a mortar. After the last part, wash the mortar with water (50-60 ml) and pour the water into a container with crushed seeds. Add 50-80 grams of honey or jam to taste, then mix well.

    Take the resulting mixture in small portions on an empty stomach for 1 hour. 3 hours after taking the last serving, take a laxative (1 tablespoon L castor oil and 0. 5 cups of water). 4-6 hours later, enema.

    During this treatment, the diet should be changed (eating soup, cereals, vegetable puree, curd) from the day before the treatment. Worms may not appear on the first day, so in the next 1-2 days, this mixture will be repeated and the enema will be cleaned every day.

  • Yangon fruit (Quisqualis indica).

    Its seeds and leaves are also used as insect repellents, especially against tape insects. It can be successfully used to treat stomach pain, diarrhea, colds, skin parasites, and can also be used as an antiviral drug.

  • Deworming quinoa, Mexican tea, Jesuit tea.

    The seeds and leaves of this Mexican and South American are an excellent insect repellent. Its main ingredients are ascardilol and safrole, which is called quinoa seed oil. Because Chenopodium is very effective against worms, it is often used to repel mollusk-like (round) worms, especially in children.

  • The main active factor in clove oil is the essential oil called eugenol (84-6%). Clove can relax the smooth muscles of the digestive tract. Clove oil is a strong antioxidant and has a powerful effect on intestinal parasites. In addition, it has a wide range of antimicrobial and antifungal (fungicide) properties.

    It can be used in different forms (whole "lilac" soup, powder or oily infusion). Clove will help cure pharyngitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, and even toothache. It is also recommended to use cloves together with cloves and wormwood to repel all types of parasites.

  • Myrrh (Balsamodendron, Commiphora).Myrrh resin has many uses: as antibiotics, preservatives, anti-bad breath, diarrhea, indigestion, infections, peptic ulcers, parasites and yeast infections.

  • Barberry (small er).

    Its bark, roots and mature fruits can be used medicinally. According to modern medical data, the therapeutic effect of barberry is mainly attributed to the active agent of small agent alkali (alkaloid), which has a significant anti-infective effect.

    This makes it effective against bacteria that cause suppuration, dysentery, cholera, bowel disease, urinary tract infections and vaginal infections. It supports the immune system and its anti-inflammatory properties are effective even in the treatment of severe inflammation.

  • Grapefruit seed extract (Citrus paradisi).

    It is a natural antiviral, antibacterial, fungicidal and antiparasitic agent. Laboratory and clinical studies have confirmed that the extract can effectively resist 800 different viruses and bacteria, about 100 types of fungi, and certain types of parasites. It is also important that grapefruit seed extract does not affect the friendly intestinal flora and stimulate the immune system.

  • Garlic (garlic).

    Garlic has blood purifying, antibacterial, antispasmodic and stimulating effects. It has been found that garlic can effectively resist bacterial growth, protect the liver from drugs and toxins, kill parasites, worms and fungi, protect cells from free radical damage, help digestion, improve liver function and increase bile production.

    Therefore, garlic is essential for health protection. Garlic is an excellent treatment for strengthening the immune system. The only problem is that a clove of garlic is not enough to get rid of worms. Large doses of garlic can severely irritate the esophagus and stomach wall. Therefore, it is preferable to take a compressed garlic extract.

  • Black walnut (black walnut).

    Its peel is usually used as a preservative, antifungal and relaxant. It can purify the blood, enhance the body's resistance, and be effective against Candida albicans and other fungi, worms, malaria and other parasites.

  • Walnut oil (walnut).

    Walnut contains walnut wood, which has anti-parasitic effects.

Worms and Lamberia's best herbs

Folk remedies for the treatment of worms

  • Pour 1 teaspoon.Herbal Wormwood2 cups of boiling water to cool, drain the water. Take 1-2 tablespoons. l. 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Used to remove pinworms and a worms.
  • Grate 4 tablespoons. l.immature walnuts, pour 1 cup of slightly salty boiling water on it, let it brew for 30 minutes, and drain the cake. Drink the produced fluids during the day and take laxatives at the same time. This therapy is effective against against insects, round insects and tape insects.
  • Boil 1 kg ofordinary or sorrel1 liter of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 2 hours, filter, add 50 grams of sugar, boil to 1 cup, drink 1-2 the day before meals. . . Drink. . .
  • medium onion, add 1 cup of boiling water, let it sit overnight, and then filter. Take 0. 5 cups a day for 3-4 days.
  • Boiledcrush 1 pomegranate peel in 0. 75 cup of boiling water. Then, within 1. 5 hours, drink 3 doses of broth without eating. Take laxatives 3-4 hours later.
  • Choponion, fill the half-liter bottle with half, then pour it into vodka and place it in a warm place for 10 days. Strain and pour 1-2 tablespoons. l. 2 times a day before meals.
  • Pour 1 tablespoon. l.Dried Tansy Flowers2 cups of warm water, let stand for 2 hours. tension. 15 minutes before meals, 15 times a day, 3 times a day, 1/2 cup each time, for 5 days.

Folk remedies to get rid of Giardia

The treatment period for giardiasis is very long, sometimes for several years.

  • It is necessary to pick a weed:grows with weeds among weeds, blooms on potatoes, shrubs, curly white pink bells, leaves as long as birches. . Collect weeds and dry them in a cool place. Insist on pour a small amount of dried herbs and 1 liter of boiling water. Have some tea.
  • In summer, drink 0. 5 cups of sauerkraut and wild plant tea every morning on an empty stomach.You can have breakfast in 20 minutes. Choose bindweed with white and pink bells and let them dry in the shade. Insist on pour a few handfuls of dried wild plants with 1 liter of boiling water. Drink instead of tea.
  • Collect young birch leaves that have just had no time to unfold.2 tablespoons of brewed. l. Dry the leaves in 1 cup of boiling water and let stand for half an hour. tension. Drink everything on an empty stomach, then lie down on your right side for half an hour. The course is 15 to 45 days.
  • Collect green pine cones covered with white coating (resin) from late July to early August.Rinse them with cold water, put them in a large pot, and pour spring water 15-20 cm above the buds. Lower the heat, open the lid, simmer for 8 hours on low heat, and then remove the foam like jam. Then tighten and discard the cone. Add 1: 1 sugar (0. 5 kg of sugar with 0. 5 kg of broth) to the remaining liquid and cook for 1 hour. The jam will have a raspberry flavor, not a pine flavor. Take no more than 2 tablespoons. l. Empty stomach. If the body does not accept sweets on an empty stomach, you can eat them after meals. It can also cleanse the lungs and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Forseasonal Giardiasis, eat blueberries as much as possible.
  • You can also drink horseradish juice: one child-1 dess. l. , For adults-1 tablespoon. l.
  • Grind 100 grams of dry wormwoodand then grind it into a powder in a mortar. After treatment for 1 to 3 days, take 1/2 teaspoon. Every 2. 5 hours-Even at night, wormwood powder should be injected. You can drink a little water. For the next few days, take the same dose 5-6 times a day. This course lasts for 1 week.

    Women also need to wash their hands.Pour in 1 complete artwork. l.Chopped dry wormwood1 liter of boiling water, wrap it, and let stand for 30 minutes. Cool to body temperature and drain the water.

    In addition, wormwood infusion and micro enema cleansing enema should be used daily. Pour 100 ml from the infusion. Use 900 ml of infusion to make a cleansing enema. After cleaning the large intestine, use 50 ml of infusion to make a micro enema and store it in your body for a long time so that the medicine can be dispersed throughout the intestine. Double the remaining 50 ml.

    Wormwood therapy is the best for the treatment of gastrointestinal, kidney and urinary tract, skin and gynecological diseases.

    Diet for the entire week of treatment.Do not eat meat, fish, milk and dairy products, eggs, and pastries.There are cereals, vegetables and fruits, potatoes and vegetable oils.

  • Peel3-5 horseradish roots, chop and put in a bottle. Pour 1 liter of vodka and leave it in the dark for 12 days. tension. Drink 1 teaspoon. 1 time a day-in the morning on an empty stomach. Course-reception for 10 days, rest for 10 days-reception for 10 days. Then rest for 1 month.

Unlike antibiotics and synthetic antiparasitic drugs, the medicinal ingredients ofcan affect the development types and stages of several parasites in the human body without disturbing the normal intestinal flora. In addition, they are softer.

However, herbal medicine has its shortcomings. The duration of any herbal medicine should not exceed 10 days, because medicinal plants contain effective biologically active substances, such as atropine. Long-term use of laxatives is fraught with complications.

Therefore, after taking the herbal medicine for 10 days, most parasites live longer than one month. What should I do? Believe it or not, there is a way out-these are the anti-parasitic series of biologically active additives (BAA). Some people think that this is more than just packing dried herbs in capsules. These are usually standardized (ie precisely metered amounts) of active substance concentrates from which harmful impurities have been removed using modern technology. This makes it safe even for long-term use and high-dose dietary supplements.

The learning time of this course is also very long, because long-term use of anti-parasitic products can capture parasites throughout its life cycle, thereby destroying larvae and larvae.