As drugs get rid of the parasites in the human body

When it comes to parasites in the human body, mind are "traditional" worms. But the situation could be much more serious. The worms are small, sometimes not more than 1 cm, the nematodes. And when they appear sick, often resulting in panic. But the defeat of pest control is much more grave – worms of various types can reach more than 10 cm Individuals have the property to move through the body of an infected person, falling into the liver, the stomach, the lungs, the mucous membrane of the eyeball. The parasites cause unspeakable damage to the body infected, obstruct the porcupine specimens of blood vessels. Consequently increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and, consequently, death. Every year in the European part and the parasite dies of more than hundreds of people, even not knowing of the problem. How to get rid of the parasites in the body and prevent the visit of unwanted guests?

Washed products

Parasites and their way of penetration

Stand out more than 250 types of varieties of parasitic worms that can live in the living organisms – in the body of an animal, including man. Are always cause significant damage – not even dangerous at first sight, the worm will lead to the destruction of the intestinal wall, which is manifested by internal bleeding and abdominal pain. To prevent infection, it is necessary to use methods of protection possible. If the infection has already occurred, you need treatment fast and efficient, is mainly manifested in the application of medication drugs.

In order to avoid contracting parasites is necessary to bring the possible ways of infection. Here are the following points:

  1. Pin the path. A man a lot more often is infected with a tactile contact with surfaces – playground, sandbox, swimming in the waters, and other actions.
  2. Food the penetration of eggs of parasites in the human stomach – there is no dirt of fruits and vegetables, it is important to wash your hands before eating.
  3. Insect bites also becomes a cause of infection by parasites and insects that "carry" the man of eggs of the pest through the mouth during the bite.
  4. Protozoan parasites often sexually transmitted, so it is important to monitor the entry into sexual relations with unknown partners.

If you are encountering a very strange situation presented above the group, you need to pay attention to your feelings in the future. When the first signs of infection it is important to contact a specialist.

The symptoms

The presence of parasites specimens inflict sometimes irreparable damage to human health. This is due to the presence of unwanted guests suckers and teeth, which stick to the walls of the internal organs, and applied "a mortal blow". Similar suction to a place leads to the complete destruction of the wall, and an internal hemorrhage, diagnosis is extremely difficult.

In addition, the destruction will have to face the consequences from the accumulation of waste. Wastes cause poisoning of the body, which results in general discomfort and poisoning in general because of the lack of a timely treatment.

Because the destruction of parasites, the body gets serious enough, a man in the face of this symptoms, such as:

  • the constant feeling of starvation and unreasonable weight reduction, or, on the contrary, lack of appetite and weight gain;
  • weakness, apathy, anemia;
  • The symptoms
  • allergic reactions, which previously was not observed;
  • severe headaches, often with the headaches and the increase of blood pressure;
  • breaks in the intestinal tract, which manifests itself in the form of constipation or diarrhea, severe pain in the stomach and in the intestine;
  • the fragility of hair and nails, pale skin and peeling of the skin;
  • joint pain, muscle, exacerbation of arthritis;
  • herpes on the lips and other mucous membranes;
  • skin rash, itching or burning of the skin, which is impossible to explain the obvious reasons;
  • insomnia, decreasing of the state.

When you define the self just a few signs of lack of resolve in an effective manner after the application of a medication drugs should consult a doctor immediately for the conduct of their diagnosis and treatment.

The danger of parasites

For non-infected non-desire to leave everything as it is, it is necessary to bring the example of the possible complications from the presence in the body of unwanted guests. Here are the following risks:

  • giardia in the liver, it causes cirrhosis;
  • trichomonas often become the cause of developing diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cancer defeat;
  • worm affect the organs of the GASTROINTESTINAL tract and the lungs, causing a man falls on the operating table with internal bleeding;
  • chlamydia becomes the cause of infertility;
  • trichinella lead to the appearance of convulsions and seizures, even if you have previously, the disease has not been revealed;
  • fluke becomes the cause of development of a cancer;
  • toxoplasmosis from the earth ... adversely influence fetal development, the fetus, and cause not an infected person mental deviations.

All the danger is from the accumulation of wastes, their decomposition, and allocation of toxic substances. Therefore, it is important to get rid of the parasites in the body medications that will lead to a more rapid removal worm. The application of folk remedies is better not to use as a basic treatment, but as an auxiliary will only be useful. Basically get rid of parasites should be done with the help of drugs.


Before seeking an answer to the question, how to get rid of the parasites in the body quickly and effectively, it is necessary to consult a doctor for the step of the investigation and advice of a specialist. The diagnosis of infection is important to determine the type of unwanted guests – this involves the appointment of medicines and the treatment plan. Here it is important to identify the injury and give the body – is needed for the complementary treatment of the affected organs, to repair the damage of the walls and of the tissues.


The diagnostics activities relate to:

  • serology – detection of antibodies to the "destruction" parasitic waste;
  • histological coprogram – examination of thin sections received cala to determine the presence of worms inside of a person;
  • haemo intuens an – scan of the blood to determine the amount of live drops, and presence of parasites in the blood increases up to 2 thousand times – the value indicates the presence of larvae in the human body;
  • electroacupuncture – rarely used, because the electricity in the presence of the parasites to aggravate the situation.

What would be the treatment was not taken, it is important to undergo an examination to determine the type of unwanted guests. This is important in order to avoid the application of chemical "unnecessary" damage to the body infected, because the drugs that contain the same poison to the specimens. It is important to choose a suitable for the destruction of the base material, because otherwise you can cause complications of the patient.

Contraindications to medical care

From the moment that the drugs are based on the toxicity to the parasites of a component, the pharmacological treatment is contraindicated for children and pregnant women – their treatment must be based on the application of folk remedies. They say the same thing in the treatment of young mothers. But you have the choice – to wean the baby from the breast and use of medicines means. This advise to the experts, who have been diagnosed complications from the activities of parasites. In addition, the young mother must continue to breastfeed the child during the diagnosis of unwanted guests.

The principle of receiving medication medication

Medicinal products should only assign the doctor is in agreement with the basic principles of such a treatment. The application of a drug may be ineffective, but can worsen the situation, causing damage to the person.

Pharmacological treatment by the parasites occurs in several phases, which includes:

  1. The observance of a special diet. Depending on the type of worms man must abandon the consumption of some products is necessary to prevent the breeding of specimens, and the beginning of their oppression. Often the initial phase to last at least 3-4 days. There are a great number of pests, period of diet is delayed.
  2. The application of drugs for the cleaning of the intestine and increase the flow of bile. Here it is possible to use and folk remedies, if there are no contraindications. Taking drugs should be no less than 5-6 days. Usually this stage combine it with the diet.
  3. Application of a medication medications for the death of the parasites. Almost all of the funds aimed at the destruction of specimens in the body. Some of these paralyze the harmful present, the other poison. The use of means cannot last more than 5 days – the admission to the course is studied in the instructions for use.
  4. The final stage seems to be breeding the dead parasites from the body in a natural way.
  5. The purification of the blood and internal organs from the waste.

In summary, it should be noted that the principles of the destroy the parasites from the body are based on sequences: the purification, the destruction, the excretion of purification. The lack of compliance submitted stages will not lead to a positive result of treatment.

The principle of receiving medication medication

Effective drugs

The appointment of drugs produces only a physician based on the type of parasites worms – it is important to consider their viability, quantity, adaptable to "extreme" situations. All drugs are divided into groups according to the properties of interactions.

The destruction of pests

Original the cleaning can be carried out with any acceptable for the patient to drugs and methods. In the following, the doctor prescribes medicines for the destruction of specimens. These medicines refer to:

  1. The drugs that the flowers of tanaceto, cloves and wormwood. Composition herbal does not involve the disastrous action on the internal organs more infected, exerting a soft impact. Extracts of the main components that you can prepare yourself, but the pill is highly concentrated, as a result of this it may be sufficient to only 2-3 receipt of funds.
  2. The destruction of parasites occurs not only in the engraving. There is an effective remedy – property interactions which aims to achieve disorders parasites of assimilation of glucose. This leads to their gradual destruction.
  3. Drugs that paralyze the worms, that already after two days, die due to lack of power. Then their excretion starts almost immediately after the application of the tools – especially the outside of the body in a natural way to live.
  4. A drug designed for death, tapeworm and protozoa. Tapeworms inflict the most disastrous damage to the human body, so it is not necessary to use paralysing funds – better to put the parasites devastating blow quick action.

All medications are assigned to individuals with the expectation of dosage and schedule of administration.

The excretion of parasites

The dead pests will be along in a natural way, then, for a sort of speed up the process are recommended drugs. For most effective medication you refer to, mold, emptying the intestine by the dead worms. The medication can be taken for adults and children over the age of 5 years.

Purification of the products of decay

The destruction of pests specimens and their elimination from the body does not require much time. Much more difficult to clean the body, poisoned decay products. Here the doctor is assigned a complex of medicines, whose action aims to "certain " parts" for purification.

Among other things, it is important to take medicines to strengthen the immune system, to avoid "relapse" and a rapid re-infestation.

Treatment times

Treatment of helminthiasis, toxoplasmosis, and other diseases can take up to several months. The minimum time of ripening lasts for a month – here are to be taken into account all 4 stages of destruction of the parasites. The exact treatment regime will be the doctor.

Prevention of infection

Prevention of infection

After the elimination of parasites is important to consult preventive actions, among which highlight the following rules:

  1. Hygiene – wash hands before eating, every time after the arrival of c street and the presence in the public areas. To avoid re-infection it is worth to use a spray antiseptic, pocket-sized – just always have disinfectant wipes.
  2. During the daily treatment change the bed linen – the only way you can prevent a new infestation of pests. By the way, even the usual worms have the ability to go out and lay their eggs near the anus. Consequently, the eggs of the parasites present on the underwear and bed rest. And then, and the other should be changed every day, and after using things necessarily boiled.
  3. Thoroughly wash fruit and vegetables before a meal. Worth to use for this special funds, which are quickly and effective way to eliminate possible bacteria and parasite eggs.
  4. Cannot be consumed raw meat and fish – this increases the risk of contracting salmonellosis. Favorite sushi often become a cause of infection by worms, round. Prior to consumption, is necessarily to expose the products of the thermal treatment.
  5. Avoid contact with animals they become carriers of the parasite eggs. If contact occurred, wash your hands thoroughly. If you're wearing gloves or gloves after contact necessarily boil them, or at least wash. Their pets teach and care for their behavior.

The infestation of parasites may be more unusual for a person to way. Almost all of the infected, I don't understand how this has happened. But if you feel bad symptoms, indicates the presence in the body of the parasites specimens, immediately contact the clinic for the passage of the survey. Self-treatment with drugs is strictly prohibited.