Effective pills for worms for children

Which pills by the worms to the children, are effective for action and more confident? In order to ensure his life from infection, helminthic invasion is almost impossible, and not always the hygiene and life-style allow you to do this. This is especially true of children. The children are often helminths, and the mothers start to panic, not knowing what to do. In the initial phase, the worms practically do not occur. Even doctors sometimes do not them can detect it in a timely manner.

Abdominal pain

The signs and causes of

The children for a reason, unstable of the immune system disarmed in the face of parasitic diseases. But often only when they appear on the visible signs of the presence of parasites, mothers begin to sound the alarm and show their children specialists.

Signs that indicate a possible infection:

  1. pain in the navel area;
  2. excessive salivation during the night.
  3. expectoration of incomprehensible of the chair;
  4. severe itching in the anal hole.

The worms in the body can be caused in children enterobiasis or ascaris. Children often get the disease by taking into the mouth dirty toy, other objects, or to eat with unwashed hands does the vegetables, fruits with eggs of the pest. Flash pest infestations are frequent in children of preschool age after the faecal-oral through secretions one of the children. This is actually the main route of infection helminthic invasion.

The symptoms of the disease

Before applying the anti-parasitic drugs, it is necessary first to identify the symptoms of the child, which are inherent only helminthic invasion, because each species of parasites can manifest in different ways.

The primary symptoms of the presence of parasitic infestations in the body can be attributed:

  • nausea;
  • recurrent pain and abdominal cramps;
  • decrease or increase in appetite;
  • the appearance of the bitter, metallic taste in the mouth;
  • the pain in the head;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting and cough-type asthma;
  • the appearance of a common cold and rashes on the skin;
  • Pills
  • the anxiety and the irritability of the child;
  • bump in the night.
  • the lack of sleep;
  • creak teeth at night;
  • the appearance of itching and burning in the anus;
  • the complaint of tiredness in the muscles;
  • the appearance of yellow on the skin;
  • the increase of the temperature;
  • the increase of lymph nodes.

The symptoms are non-specific and have been observed in many other diseases of infectious nature, therefore, only in the presence of an order of 5-6 signs at the same time it can be assumed that in the body of the child has worms.

The doctors advise the mothers before the use of anthelmintic medicines before your test. Deliver a common analysis of blood, feces the eggs of worms, scraping three times from the anus, as they are not always the first time in this mode can be detected parasitic eggs. Only in combination with any unpleasant symptoms, and also the results of the analysis, the doctor will prescribe an appropriate treatment and explain the rules for the use of tablets.

Antihelminthic drugs

Today, medicine has a lot of different mediums. But many of them are full of side-effects of actions. Fragile body of a child can be ambiguous to perceive medicines. And still there are effective antihelminthic tools, capable of bringing the parasites from the body. Considered the most safe, effective, and popular. Mothers necessarily need to know in which cases you can take some pills, how to calculate the correct doses, taking into account the age and weight of the child. It would not be appropriate to increase the dosage in hope of a quick recovery.

Antihelminthic drugs — the best way to get rid of parasites. But the body of children is fragile and not fully formed, and then self-medication and other experiments eliminated. The funds may be not only useless, but also harmful. It is always best to consult first your doctor and then use the drugs in a way that is appropriate.

The rules for the use of tablets by worms

During the use of drugs, it is necessary to take into account contraindications and the side effects, because each anthelminthic are available. Also apply a medicinal need, taking into account the age and weight of the child, the type of parasite, degree of development and impact of invasions on the body (especially the intestines).


Today the pharmacy offers a large number of drugs with a broad spectrum of action, very active and very safe. However, all are toxic, are aimed at rapid elimination and excretion of ascaris and ossiuri from the body. To the parents it is important to understand that the stuff of children pills means exposing the body toxic effects of the drugs.

When you use the tablet, it is important to observe the following rules:

  1. do not disregard the dosage;
  2. use what the doctor has prescribed;
  3. take into account the dose, because the instructions can vary greatly;
  4. can be taken in combination once 2-3 drugs at the same time, but respecting the interval between meals;
  5. get familiar with all the contraindications in the instruction;
  6. keep under control the intake of drugs and not to trust their child, independent of the application;
  7. consider that many drugs are allowed to receive the lactating and pregnant women, but with a low dosage;
  8. the pill is not possible to apply in the case of major liver problems, the development of the children's oncology;
  9. violation dosages can cause side effects and dangerous consequences.

Today is the last antihelminthic funds with virtually no contraindications. However, the body of each child is different and perceives the pill in a different way. In the presence of chronic diseases, medicinal products require careful application. Stand out toxins, help destroy not only pests, but also the healthy cells in the body.

Necessarily also anti-parasitic medication is necessary to guzzle chelating agents, antihistamines to minimize the toxic effect on the body anthelmintic drugs.

What drugs are effective for prevention?

The bodies of the children with a weak immune system, unstable before the beginning of the pests invasions, and the spread of infection is possible in breast-fed babies. Moms the same will need to be more careful, when the child begins to uncomfortable to do, always crying, flapping his arms and legs.

The signs of the presence of toxins in the body:

  • itching and burning in the anal area;
  • the increase of the temperature;
  • loss of appetite.

In order to prevent it is better to accustom the child since the childhood:

  1. wash hands after coming from the road or go to the bathroom;
  2. do not pull the dirty hands in the mouth and not biting your nails;
  3. always cut the nails to the children;
  4. Tanacetum
  5. change the sheets at least 1 times in 3-4 days;
  6. daily disinfection of toilets;
  7. timely uprooting of irritation, burning, and itching caused by helminths.

For outdoor use we recommend that you use all the drugs in the form of a gel or cream, 2%, lubrication of affected areas of the anus, of up to 4 rooms once a day. Or use zinc oxide, glycerin, beeswax, sweet almond oil, with the aim to create a protective barrier in the perianal and relieve the inflammation.

Of folk remedies Antihelminthic properties of seeds of pumpkin. Also bring in worms from the body, the children will help the flowers to tanaceto, but it is a tool of permission to give to the children with more than 12 years.

Any are safe drugs against the worms, not you can experience. If you suspect infestation better to spend scraping, to overcome the trials. Otherwise, the children may appear side of unpleasant symptoms, how to get rid of which already will be more painful, and only in the hospital environment.