The pharmacological treatment of the human body from parasites

Before seeking an answer to the question, how to get rid of the parasites in the body medical course, it is important to know what types of pathogens, helminths, are present in the intestine. Invasion of the infestation is spread throughout the world. Folk remedies may not provide adequate treatment. To avoid the transition in the chronic phase and avoid relapses the parasites, eliminate the drugs.

parasites in the body

The treatment against parasites

The worms have a number of properties that allow them to multiply rapidly, cause allergies, disease on the walls of the intestine, the identification of new victims and gradually poison the body waste of his life. Cleaning of parasites worth of produce immediately, until the body has lost all of its nutrients. Infettivologo developed a complete treatment that helps in the etching of the parasites. In the application of these or other anti-parasitic activity, the following factors, which may be identified with the diagnosis in the clinic:

  • the duration of infection;
  • intensity;and
  • frequency of infestation of organs and tissues;
  • the level of intoxication.

Homeopathy is one of the ways to get rid of worms. The therapy has no side effects and is not intended to destroy the worms, and to strengthen the body's defenses. For council staff, it is necessary to consult homeopaths. How to get rid of the parasites in the body drugs? In the classic version the treatment of infestations by helminths average severity scheme is used for medical therapy in 3 stages:

  1. The human body and all the internal organs are carefully prepared to the process of elimination of the worms. Along with the intake of drugs that link toxins, take, vegetable oils (flaxseed, pumpkin seeds).
  2. The main stage appointment anthelmintic. The most effective is reflect negatively on the body, but ruin the pathological environment, creating the unbearable conditions of the life of the worms.
  3. The recovery after the strong drugs. Important after the course to rehabilitate the functions of the GASTROINTESTINAL tract, to organize the work of the lungs, of the liver and kidney, enhance immunity, normalize the exchange of minerals and vitamins. Normalize the functioning of liver helps the instrument, which has the active substance of milk thistle.

The drug by the parasites in the human body

Until now, the pharmacists have developed the drugs the drugs, which is safe for health arise the worms. Another advantage of medicines from herbal remedies is clearly the ability to act on a certain type of worms. De-worming drugs are divided into two groups: the directional (act on specific groups of helminths) and the drug from a wide range of pests.

Tablets parasites

Take pills from parasites to a man, only a doctor can. Depending on the type of parasite, the doctor will prescribe the right treatment regimen. Children of preschool and school age the more striking ossiuri and giardia, but as the young body will not be able to manage it with powerful drugs, prescribe light for action, and sure drugs against the parasites in the human body.

the treatment of parasites

Adults are more subject to penetration in the body of the tapeworms, nematodes, and trematodes. To remove them, it is necessary to determine the place of the location and the view of one of the three major types of worms. If the penetration of the worms in the area, this is not the case, then you should purchase in the pharmacy, medicines against parasites in the human body.


The nematodes can be engraved from the body with help of special tablets by nematodes. Act substance medications does not eliminate the larvae and the eggs, and removes only the adult individuals. Based on this, the doctor prescribes after 2-3 weeks, again the treatment period. After 5 hours after the intake of medicines to the patient to put an enema with potassium permanganate, which can be replaced laxative of sulphate of magnesium, or herbal remedies (rhubarb or senna).

To get rid of worms, specialist assigns to the patient the drug therapy oxygen – therapy complete, which consists in the introduction of oxygen in the intestine, which makes cleaning of the natural area. Women who have ossiuri, is an urgent need to address them, because they can enter the vagina and lead to unpleasant diseases.


Flat worms, or flukes combine many species. Distinguish 2 forms of parasitism by flukes: chronic and acute. The patient does not leave unpleasant symptoms, manifested as skin rash, abdominal pain, digestive disorders, and mild fever. If an infection of this type of helminth specialist detects a bacterial infection, it is given the full treatment, which includes cleaning of the body and receiving a course of antibiotics. Such pills parasites) are most effective?


This group of parasites such as the tapeworm, are a tapeworm, bull, pig or dwarf tapeworm. Some of the data types helminths are not displayed on the first drug updated and are resistant to the tablets by cestodes. In most cases, to kill the parasites is sufficient, a single administration of drugs, but, if necessary, the doctor prescribes a course of repetition. The dosage of the medication is calculated based on the body weight of the patient, to avoid an overdose.

When worms get rid of worms, can help surgery. The parasite is cut, if it is localized under the skin, and the medication has not brought the desired results. The total purification of the body by the cestodes may indicate a way out of the head and neck of the elminto (the scolex). If this has not happened, a worm king grows.

Drops from parasites to man

It has been shown that drops from the parasites to the people who have less negative side effects and don't have as much disruptive effect on the body pills against worms, whose components are not displayed in full and are absorbed in the organs. The active substances contained in the drops, completely out along with feces masses, and in the urine. Thanks sweet method of neutralization of parasites, pharmacological treatment drops showed a child or a person with a chronic disease.

Chelating agents for the cleaning

Group of medicines, that has the ability to form bonds and to resolve by adsorption or absorption of endogenous and exogenous substances, the so-called "chelating". All related components, do not cause damage to health, are excreted with the feces. Colon cleansing of parasites is by using enterosorbents. There are many names of medicines, to understand that only a physician. On the basis of the size of the molecules and the absorption capacity specialist may prescribe one of these drugs effective.

enzymes against parasites


The enzyme therapy necessarily prescribed infectious diseases after the body of the patient has been freed from the parasites. Rehabilitate the intestinal microflora serves with urgency: decomposition products toxic pathogens and potent drugs could not not be displayed on the delicate and vulnerable the walls of the stomach. To accelerate the process of stabilization, improve the digestive functions and the absorption of the nutrients used the following enzymes for the recovery of the intestine.

Vitamin therapy

After the success of the course of events to eliminate worms parasites preferably saturate the body lost of nutrients, as it can help vitamin therapy. For hypovolaemia decreases the body's ability to resist recontamination and recover their strength after the previous one. Vitamins are essential for the synthesis of new cells, the revitalization of the formation of energy in the cells, improving digestion. All the efforts are worth aiming for greater immunity, eroded helminth invasion is induced. Help you of these vitamins:

  • retinol (And);
  • pyridoxine (B6);
  • tocopherol (And);
  • riboflavin (B2);
  • the ascorbic acid (S);
  • niacin (PP).