The symptoms of worms in children

Children of different ages are affected by infection with the helminth. The risk is present everywhere. Especially in kindergarten, when you play in the sand, with the public transport. Symptoms of infection by worms easily confused with other common diseases. Therefore, adults should carefully look closely to the well-being of children.

the symptoms of worms in children

The symptoms

Often children will only infect helminths, such as roundworms and ossiuri. The symptoms of their appearance a little different.

When ascariasis stress:

  • Cough without signs of a cold;
  • Hives, rash in infectious and allergic in nature;
  • Stomatitis, gingivitis, herpes;
  • Lividore under the eyes and pale skin;
  • The reduction of weight.

When infected by worms ossiuri), it was observed:

  • Severe itching in the area of the anal canal (especially in the evening and night);
  • Tingling and the sensation of pain during defecation;
  • In the stool visually obvious worms of the size of 0.5-1 cm.

The primary symptoms to add:

  • Decreased appetite, strong craving for sweets (especially chocolate with nuts);
  • Nausea, vomiting, temperature;
  • Diarrhea and constipation;
  • Dizziness;
  • Lethargy, decreased mental activity;
  • Soft color of the hair;
  • Nervousness, irritability, crying, stress, depression;
  • Unjustified increase of the body temperature (also at 39°).

Data the symptoms of worms in children 2 years of age easy to take it for another disease. For example: respiratory diseases, bronchitis, intestinal infections, poisoning. Often, the cause of the allergy in search of stimuli between products or external factors. But you can hide in the presence of worms. The correct treatment and misdiagnosis, to promote their development. Then, the health and even the life of a child is in danger.

The symptoms of the acute phase

This phase indicates the presence of pest infestations.

Recognize with the help of these symptoms:

  • Severe abdominal pain that will not go a couple of minutes;
  • Constipation more than 3 days;
  • Attacks of dystonia vascular (increased breathing, panic attacks, syndrome of "run chills" for the body, the darkness in the eyes, migraines);
  • Very bad breath, and belching;
  • Tachycardia.

Data the symptoms indicate a large number of worms in the body. This can lead to serious consequences.

signs of worms

For example:

  • chronic obstruction of the bowels;
  • pneumonia;
  • chronic form of allergic reactions (including asthma).

Intoxication leads to disruption of the integrity of all the systems and functions of the body. If time does not begin treatment, the worms can cause disastrous consequences.

The symptoms of the chronic phase

- Chronic phase indicates that the child is continually being infected from the worms. Perhaps also the presence of mixed helminth.

When you experience the characteristic symptoms:

  • The continuous disturbance of the stool (diarrhea, constipation);
  • Poor appetite, loss of weight, which is not restored;
  • Hair loss, fragility of nails;
  • Frequent eruptions of the skin, and especially urticaria;
  • Lethargy, detail fatigue;
  • Apathy, isolation, depression;
  • Intestinal obstruction, diseases of the liver;
  • Frequent colds and viral diseases, decreased immunity;
  • Frequent tantrums, tantrums, nervousness.

The worms are not so harmless as it may seem initially. If the child once has been infected by these parasites, then his parents know the consequences in the first person. Can be infected even children in the age group of 1-2 years. For their health, worms are a serious threat. For example, roundworms in children may cause choking.

Also, you can see:

  • strong intoxication;
  • anemia;
  • critical weight reduction.

This is dangerous, because there is a great number of drugs from the worms, which can be hired at a small age.

The first signs of worms in children

The majority of parents once they notice changes in the health of their children. Signs of worms define without analysis it is not so easy. In particular, in the phase of infection. Already after a few months she enters the acute form. Then the treatment is long, and bringing the worms from the body more difficult.

the first symptoms

The first symptoms of worms in children:

  • frequent disturbances in the digestion;
  • sleep disorders;
  • abdominal pain – should be a cause for concern adults.

These symptoms are the reason for the examinations for the presence of worms.

What says Komorowski of worms?

Often the maggots infect the children aged 1 to 5 years. In fact, in this period, children are actively exploring the world. Also, at this age, not until the end is generated by the intestine and its functionality. Therefore, in children the most at risk of contracting helminths.

Opinion Komarov of worms in children:

  1. Dr. Komorowski says that the children meet the contamination in the environment – sand, washed fruit, toys, fallen to the ground or to the nipple.
  2. When in a sandbox don't play only children, but also the dogs with the cats, occurs an increased probability of infection parasites. From the moment the animals leave there his experiments with the eggs of worms.

What are the signs of worms, the child calls Komorowski?

Komorowski said that up to 10 years, the symptomatology helminthic brighter expressed, as compared to adults. It so happens that the presence of worms is not accompanied features. Then they grow actively in the body and lead to serious diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo regular checks and give common exams.

Among the symptoms of worms, Komorowski, notes the following:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • the pain in the lower abdomen and the navel;
  • cough;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • mood swings, detail fatigue;
  • decrease or increase in appetite;
  • the circles under the eyes.

In addition, Komorowski said that it's not worth creak the teeth perceived as a sign of helminthiasis. This phenomenon has a name: bruxism. It is not a pretext for the diagnosis of helminthiasis.

How to reveal that to cure and how to notify?

Reveal the presence of worms is possible with the help of analysis of feces and blood. This is the best way. But the analysis I have to take a couple of times, and the most important thing in a full moon period. Then there will be the maximum reliability of the results.

profilaktika worms

Treatment of ascaris and other parasites must appoint a physician. It is worth to consult a gastroenterologist or other health professionals. Usually the treatment is complex and takes place in two phases. The first is designed to destroy the adult worms, and the second for their eggs and larvae.

Notify the contagion is possible only by respecting the rules of personal hygiene:

  • The child has to play in the sand, where they walk the animals.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables before a meal.
  • Wash hands thoroughly after the road, and a bathroom.
  • Do not eat food that fell on the floor or ground.
  • After a walk to wash things, toys.

As the name suggests, Komorowski determine the presence of worms?

Dr. Komorowski is recommended to pay attention to the specific behavior of the children:

  • For example, itching in the anal area.
  • If the child says, is almost always detected an infestation of worms.

If the adults have emerged the hypothesis that the child may be worms, you have to observe it.

It is important to consider:

  • the behavior;
  • taste changes;
  • check out the weight.

If there are no other reasons to modify the data, the hypothesis can be confirmed.

One of the most unpleasant ways is a visual diagnostic:

  1. You can see the worms in the stool, or vomiting.
  2. This is very frustrating, but in these cases helminths recovered in a vessel with alcohol or a saline solution.
  3. Then take it to a laboratory.
  4. This will help you determine what are the worms in children, symptoms and treatment faster to expel them from the body.

Komorowski on prevention measures

Komorowski reminds parents that there is no magic pill that will save the child from worm infections.

Take drugs against the worms with the aim of preventing dangerous. They are toxic and just give their child.

The best prevention is personal hygiene. Such rules must comply with all in house. And also children under the age of 10 years worth of the exams for the presence of worms, every 3 to 6 months.

the treatment of worms

Therapeutic measures

The treatment can be strictly traditional, or in combination with folk remedies. In this case, take into account how safe is it to take a certain medication in the pediatric age group.

The application of medicines

Among the traditional means prescribed:

  • De-worming.
  • Enterosorbent.
  • Enzymes.
  • Organic products.
  • Vitamins complex.

The use of folk remedies

Among the folk remedies recommend:

  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • The hemp oil.
  • Tansy.
  • Carrot juice.
  • Absinthe.
  • Margherita.

It is worth mentioning that even 2-3 a sign of worms, should be the occasion for exams. Above all, view calais. Then as quickly as possible, it is necessary to make the diagnosis and start the treatment.