How to get rid of worms in the house?

No one is immune to the helminth, and then ways to fight parasitic infections, it is necessary to know for each man. Folk remedies used in the home by the worms — the most safe method to get rid of them. He is to use medicinal plants with properties of the destruction of helminth.


Features herbal treatments

Traditional medicine, which is used to manage pests, has undoubted advantages compared to pills. Natural components available, and are controlled in time, gently strike a person, helping to chase away the vast majority famous of helminths.

Purification techniques you need to choose thoughtfully, trying to learn as much as possible about them — some have pointed to the action in respect of a particular group of worms and protozoa, and take them to the other diagnosis useless. If you have any doubt, you should give up spend self-treatment and consult your doctor.

The basic popular recipes are the various vegetable ingredients, can kill, and then remove from the human body, the dead body of helminths.

Apply these tools in practice is quite simple, as many of them are available and are always at hand.

Activities of folk medicine

A lot of people the idea of getting rid of worms in house perceive that is condescending and also negatively. This can be explained by the desire of man to go in step with the times, to enjoy the innovations of the pharmaceutical products and not to resort to the methods of the last century". It also reduces the confidence of a great number of unscrupulous "healers" for profit offer to treat any disease with the help of plantain and other herbs, for the money that spreads its products on the internet.

But in fact, the medicinal plants have the power, if fall into the hands of a person skilled in the art. Their 100% natural composition and proper selection of ingredients allows you to maximize secure impact on the body of the patient, not the system that cause damage to the liver, digestive tract, blood.

Reckless use recipes that are popular in the home can lead to trouble. Every plant has its own list of contraindications, in spite of the fact that they look harmless. Even chamomile can cause damage, if taken correctly. Then the apparent simplicity of the alternative medicine only this aspect.

The grass, deliberately destroying helminths, have a toxic effect — all, without exception, otherwise treated would not be any sense. Most of them are poisonous, some irritate the organs of the intestinal tract, others cause food poisoning. For this reason, the treatment plant tools, non-smoking rooms the following groups of people:

  • the person with chronic disorders of the digestive tract in acute phase;
  • pregnant women and breast-feeding women;
  • children up to 2 years.
Herbs helminth

Before using one of the following requirements, it is necessary to make sure that there are no problems with blood pressure, the liver, and the kidneys. Otherwise, avoid side effects it would be virtually impossible.

Characteristics of folk medicine

It is believed that with the help of plants can destroy and bring any parasite. It is only important to organize the process of de-worming, breaking alternatively all its phases. We consider them in the table.

The treatment phaseMechanism of action
PreparationUp to 7 days before the start of the therapy, they begin to drink every day, oil of pumpkin seeds half an hour before the meal, with the objective of evacuation of toxins from the body.
The excretion from the body of parasitesFounded on compliance with recommended dosage and the variety of uses of herbal preparations.
RecoveryNormalizes the functioning of the organism as a whole. Provides for the observance of a diet, refusal of the junk food, decoctions of medicinal herbs for the normalization of the internal systems, damaged in consequence of helminthiasis.

By listing the main points of the therapy, let's move on to the recipes.

The treatment of adults

To fight with helminths folk remedies in the house there is a large number of recipes to herbal medicines. We consider the most simple and effective.

Simple recipes

Tanacetum. This plant has anthelmintic action, it can only be used for adults. In parasitology apply the inflorescences.

For the fight against nematodes — pinworm, and ascaris, it is necessary to grind into powder tansy, and mix it with honey in equal parts. Take the instrument is half an hour before meals morning and evening for 3 days. Welcome the last portion of the combine with an enema or laxative medication.

It is important to respect the dosage of tanaceto, because the plant is toxic and when it exceeds the recommended proportions can cause such side effects as cramping, stomach pain, and vomiting.

Artemisia absinthium. Effective against round all of the parasites. On the basis of plants offers effective dye, has a pronounced anthelmintic the influence.

In equal proportions take the pumpkin seeds and chop the sage leaves, pour their vodka in a ratio of 1:3. the future of medicine insist 7 nights in the shade. Take a tincture morning and evening for a small glass of liquor before a meal. The course is 2 weeks.

Can not be treated the absinthe the future and breast-feeding mothers, people with peptic ulcer disease gastric and duodenal ulcers.


Helichrysum. Help tapeworm. In the same way act st. john's wort, yarrow and chamomile, which you can use in a single collection or individually. The first option is more optimal.

For the preparation of infusion of a therapeutic 2 tablespoons of the herb helichrysum (or collection of the above plants, mixed in equal proportions), pour 500 ml of boiling water and insist 12 hours in a thermos. Then, the tool to let the water drain off and take half a cup 4 times daily before meals. The course of 10 days.

Helichrysum not to use it for deworming in pregnant women, hypertension and cholecystitis.

The pumpkin seeds. Quite a popular tool in the fight against pests. Helps to cleanse the body by nematodes, tapeworms, and some other helminths. There are two ways of processing pumpkin seed:

  1. Every morning on an empty stomach to eat 2 tablespoons of peeled and chopped product. After that for hours do not eat anything, and then take laxatives.
  2. Fasting to eat 300 grams of dried seeds. After 30 minutes, drink a glass of warm milk, in which have already been welded to the garlic, and after a long time, make use of a laxative.

Treatment of pumpkin seed non-smoking third parties with acidity of the digestive organs.

Walnut. Use in the fight against nematodes and cestode (ossiuri, roundworms, hookworms, beef, and pork taenia). The recipe in the fight with them is simple: 4 tablespoons of finely chopped immature nuts (compulsory green!) pour a glass of boiling water and insist half an hour. The finished instrument filter and divided into three portions, that they need to drink during the day. The last dose of the infusion complete the intake of laxatives.

The use of walnuts with the purpose of the treatment not smoking pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers, people with blood clotting.

The garlic. Powerful anthelmintic, does not lose its popularity. It is active against all parasites, including the most simple — Toxoplasma, amoeba, and giardia.

For the preparation of a generic instrument with a base of garlic crushed 50 grams of peeled cloves of garlic and pour 200 ml of vodka. They insist the future remedy in a container of dark, within 7 days. Take 20 drops 3 times per day half an hour before meals. The course of 2 weeks.

Use of garlic in folk medicine is contraindicated for people with kidney diseases, gastritis and ulcer of the stomach, as well as epilepsy.

The onion. In a short time-poison round parasites. For the cleaning to be ossiuri, and roundworms, is sufficient a single dose of funds.

A large onion chopped with the help of a grater and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for 12 hours. Wake up in the morning drink on an empty stomach.

The use of the arc for the development of anthelmintic is contraindicated in individuals with a tendency to an increase in blood pressure.

And flax seed oil. Effective against ossiuri, necator and trichinella. Does not act against roundworms. The medication is taken 1 teaspoon 5 times a day before meals. The course of 2 weeks.

The tool is not recommended during pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and pregnancy.

Pumpkin seed oil. Helps to get rid of the tape and the circular parasites. Take 1 teaspoon morning, afternoon and evening after meals. The course of 10 days.

To take care of pumpkin oil not recommended for people who suffer from diabetes and cholecystitis.


Cognac. In the fight against helminths will help consumption to 4 tablespoons. tablespoons of strong drink, can be diluted to normal tasty cup of tea in equal proportions. After half an hour of take 2 tablespoons. tablespoons of castor oil. The course of treatment of 5 days, the procedure is carried out immediately before going to sleep.

Worming with the help of cognac is contraindicated in pregnancy and breast-feeding women, people with epilepsy and high blood pressure, gastric ulcer.

Soda. Everyone knows that baking soda diluted in water, is transformed into caustic soda. Thanks to this property it is possible to rid the body of excess fat and normalize the natural response of the blood (ph 7,42). Sodium bicarbonate taken orally and in the form of enemas.

The development of helminths is best accomplished in an acidic environment. This method is effective against ossiuri, roundworms, tapeworms, intestinal flukes and tapeworms. The solution of sodium bicarbonate, taken orally before meals, pre-diluted in ¼ teaspoon of hot water. If the body tolerates the product well, it is possible to increase the number of and a half times. The course of treatment varies from 15 to 30 days according to the well-being of the patient.

Further, enema, meant for 2 gallons of hot water take 30 g of salt and 20 g of sodium bicarbonate. The therapeutic solution should be injected several times, and each time, keep in the intestine is not less than 30 minutes. The procedure make the morning or in the evening.

More sophisticated methods

We have listed easy recipes, that have anthelmintic action, composed of one or two components. We now consider more sophisticated methods of fighting the parasites for adults.

Dyes. There is a large number of distilleries of funds created to herbal medicines. Many of them have a universal action.

  • A tablespoon of yarrow, tanaceto and artemisia, mixed in equal proportions, pour a glass of vodka, to insist not less than 14 days. Ready tool take 20 drops 3 times per day. The course of 2 weeks.
  • 20 grams of garlic, finely chopped, and the same number of horseradish root pour 500 ml of vodka and leave for 10 days. Take a tablespoon of it. spoon 2 times per day. The course of 2 weeks.
Pumpkin seeds

Vegetable fees. A combination of various herbal medicines with anthelmintic action, increases the efficiency of each other and helps to purify the body from most types of pests.

Popular the triad has established itself as a universal garlic remedy in alternative medicine. To prepare it, the need to 10 g of wormwood, 15 g of cloves, 30 g of tanaceto. The components come in dry form, mix and consumed according to the scheme indicated in the table. Off the amount of medicine — 1 teaspoon.

Days of treatmentRecommended dosage
11 teaspoon fasting before breakfast.
21 teaspoon first thing in the morning, and the day of the meal.
3-71 teaspoon 3 times a day.
8-21The previous scheme once a week.

If desired, the treatment can prolong for a couple of months. Before applying the triad Ivanchenko important to verify the absence of contraindications to any of the vegetable components in the preparation.

Feverfew, chamomile and sage. Another no less effective in the collection, that is able to chase away nematodes, and protozoa. Take equal proportions of 30 grams of flowers of tanaceto and chamomile, and a sheet of artemisia. Pour mixture cup boiling water and insist for an hour. Drink half full in the morning on an empty stomach. In the evening prepare an infusion of new and take directly before going to sleep. A course of 6 days.

Enema. To help combat the parasites that live in the intestine. We offer to consider the most effective recipes, ensuring the cleaning of the body.

  • 20 g of wormwood, and the same number of tanaceto mix, prepare a cup of boiling water. In a little cooled infusion add a clove of crushed garlic. After 3 hours the solution is ready to embark on an enema. Put in any time of the day for a week. The solution can hunt ossiuri, and roundworms.
  • 50 ml of pumpkin oil, heated for a "pear". The procedure it is important to do before going to sleep. A course of two weeks.

Enema worms, played in the house, must be made in accordance with the rules vermifuge. Only in this case, the cleaning of the body will be more successful.

Before the introduction of the therapeutic solution with anthelmintic action, must be carefully removed from the bowel the accumulated of the heavens deposits. For this in 2 liters of room temperature water (preferably pre-diluted or defended 24 hours) add 1 teaspoon of salt and the same amount of apple cider vinegar. The procedure is performed in knee-elbow pose with the retention of a solution for 10-15 minutes, if this is his number should be divided into four parts, and placed in the patient's intestine portions. Then proceed to the realization of therapeutic treatments.


The treatment of children

To fight with helminths of the child are used in more delicate recipes. Their proper application will allow you to clean the body of the child, without resorting to drugs.

Then, consider some simple and effective ways to vermifuge in children; authenticated:

  • the nematodes arise mashed pumpkin seeds in the amount of 1 tablespoon. spoonful, fasting after the waking up;
  • taenia deleted one clove of garlic, eaten at breakfast for 2 weeks;
  • expel the tape worms and some other parasites in children, it will help the infusion of pomegranate peels: the peel of a fruit produced half a glass of boiling water and give ½ teaspoons 3 times per day. The dose exceed non-smoking rooms, as well as artificially reinforced the current concentration of a component can cause problems with the vision of a child;